Full Training

The Child Centre Method specialises in integrating primitive reflexes and addressing physical literacy, which is one of the precursors for literacy and for learning problems and underachievement. The Child Centre Method is unique because it identifies the underlying stress and corrects it holistically, which is quicker than just using developmental exercises on their own.
We aim to enable individuals to develop personally and professionally and to use an integrated, holistic method to help children. Our philosophy and teachings establish a range of wide productive skills that form a basis of successful, professional practice.


  • A series of mandatory modules
  • Additional selection of workshops and courses that offer personal choice
  • Home study, reading and case studies
  • Support and personal development throughout the course and extra support if required.
  • A simple way of assessment that will leave the individual feeling competent and confident.

Registration and certification

The course and The Potential Training School is supported by and registered with The Healer Foundation and The BCMA: British Complementary Medicine Association.The course is accredited by KAI: Kinesiology Association Ireland as well as IICT: International Institute of Complementary Therapists

Feedback from one student
Just forwarding my daughter’s statement about the Child Centre Method AFP balance I did on her.

…My mum did a balance and the next day at school I remembered we had a Geography test that day which I had forgotten all about. So I read over the chapter once at break time. It was weird because I felt I understood it better and when I went in for the test I found it really weird because the info I read stayed in my brain, because I’m dyslexic normally and I would need to read something lots of times for that to happen especially with Geography because I really don’t like it and I got 86% in the testab

Module 1

Primitive Reflexes (2 days)

No prerequisites

For teachers, therapists, learning support staff, parents, grandparents, and adults working with children.


  • Links of movement, learning and behaviour
  • Research based evidence to show how retained primitive reflexes affect learning and behaviour and emotions.
  • New paradigm of the cerebellum
  • Child Centre Method Assessment
  • How to test to see if the reflexes are integrated
  • SIMPLE (Sensory Integration Movement programme for Learning Enhancement) remediation exercises

Cost of the Module £330.00

SIMPLE Program for integrating retained primitive reflexes (2 days)

Prerequisites module 1

For teachers, therapists, learning support staff, parents, grandparents, and adults working with children


  • Physical literacy as a precursor to literacy
  • Link of the Vestibular system and cerebellum
  • Developmental factors in specific learning difficulties and behaviour.
  • Functions of the vestibular system and cerebellum
  • Postural Reflexes
  • SIMPLE (Sensory Improvement Movement for Learning Enhancement) exercises
  • Link of the reflexes to oculo-motor functioning
  • SIMPLE Home Programme for integration of postural reflexes

Cost of Module £355.00

Module 3

Day 1Introduction to Child Centre Method and muscle testing.

Prerequisites  Module 1, 2


  • Techniques to for stress release
  • Introduction to the energy medicine system
  • Introduction to muscle testing (theory and practice) which helps to identify compensatory states or stress in the body
  • The role of the brain in learning and how it deals with stress

Day 2 – Introduction to working with the body’s innate system using Attuning to Full Potential 1


Working with muscle testing, including 14 muscle tests, and the body’s innate system

  • Using muscle testing to self-test and clear stress on the self
  • The art of using muscle testing to clear stress from the body using vibrational icons
  • Techniques for balancing stress in the body

Cost of Module £355.00

Day 1 – Attuning to Full Potential Kinesiology 2

Pre requisites Module 1,2,3

Consolidation of working with the body’s innate system using Attuning to Full Potential. Consolidates and refine the art of muscle testing to access underlying stress. Start to clear old programmes, memories, and stress via muscle testing. Learn to ‘read” the links of the vibrational icons causing the stress and balancing the stress.


  • Using AFP and muscle testing to access stress in the body.
  • Learn how to test where or when the stress the original stress was stored
  • Become more confident in testing and addressing the issue or stress.
  • Work with body’s inner intelligence and its own ability to heal and balance itself.
  • Learning more techniques to help release stress.

Day 2- Ho’oponopono Harmonising Circle

No Prerequisites required for this day.

Sitting in the circle allows you to benefit from the powerful amplifying effects of the vortex energy and amplified power of Ho’oponopono Harmonising Circle (HHC). Communication, combined with being connected to others, in an amplified container, can cause huge shifts and transformations. This one-day workshop provides practical and experiential learning. HHC is an invaluable tool for your personal and professional development.
It is a container that has the capacity to transform dissonant energy into resonant energy to bring clarity. HHC helps to create shifts, witness, and release stuck emotions, unwind painful emotions and feelings in a safe place. It is about forgiving ourselves and others, about being emotional, honest, speaking from the heart, changing belief systems, manifesting alignment, and becoming congruent to who we really. HHC helps us to be real with people, in a compassionate presence whilst connecting to source/inspiration. It is about erasing data and memories that are holding us back and stopping the memory replaying the same situation with different people. HHC helps us to go back to zero where all possibilities exist.
In the circle, you set an open-hearted field of possibilities without trying to fix anyone else. You let go of judgments, take responsibility and tune into the amplified harmony created by the container of the circle. HHC helps to connect you to your core by dropping the drama and aligning to your heart. It helps you to understand that you are the point of attraction and live a different story, and to stop feeding your sabotages. You feel a deeper presence, connectedness, and clarity and learn to take notes when your heart speaks. You then take this practice out in the world. By choosing ‘wants’ rather than ‘shoulds’ you create a container to feel the heart and what is really going on and deliberately move out of suffering to happiness. It is about creating alignment with your true self and moving into focused creation; ‘Peace of I’.


  • You learn the theory of Ho’oponopono and the simplicity of how it works.
  • You learn the theory of Law of attraction and why it does not work all the time.
  • You learn ways of connecting to your ‘wants’ (heart) and not your ‘shoulds’ (mind) without guilt and blame.
  • You leave with a simple set of life tools that allow you to start living in an abundant and joyful way.

Ho’oponopono is taught in a circle context where the effect is amplified and most profoundly affects the subconscious where all our issues are stored. In the circle, you will learn how to practice by yourself to help ‘clear’ difficult issues.

Cost of Module £355.00

Day 1 – Using the Child Centre Method Reflex modality to integrate the reflexes

No Prerequisites required module 1, 2, 3, 4 

This modality is a powerful but simple energetic modality. It uses muscle testing, the body’s own innate healing system, and the energetic frequency and structure of the energy system, to release the underlying stress that allows the reflex to stay active in the body. This modality helps to integrate individual reflexes quickly and effectively. The CCM Reflex Routine is the powerhouse, and the core, of the Child Centre Method and is unique because it integrates science with energy medicine. Once the session has been completed, usually, only a week of specific exercises are needed to integrate the reflexes and to improve physical literacy. Research into the progress, function and science of energy medicine is being undertaken on a world-wide scale especially following the successes and case studies from the many modalities.


  • Using muscle testing to access and address the underlying stress in individual reflexes
  • Consolidation of muscle testing technique
  • Addressing issues with balance problems
  • Addressing the stress that causes and fight and flight system to remain active

Day 2 – Using the CCM reflex modality to address primitive reflexes


  • Profiling a child using the CCM Assessment
  • Understanding the issues that need to addressed as well as having a baseline to note progress
  • Learning methods of accessing the underlying cause of stress that cause the individual reflexes to be retained. Once this workshop has been completed you will be able to integrate the reflexes more rapidly then via developmental exercises.


Cost of Module £430.00

Day 1 – Introduction to Neural Organisation Technique Kinesiology

Prerequisites module 1,2,3,4,5

Addressing the body’s fight and flight system using Neural Organisation Technique 1-8. This is a non-invasive hands-on protocol that will take the body out of the fight and flight system and reset the body into a neutral system. The focus will be on the Moro reflex, Tendon Guard reflex and Fear reflex. These reflexes particularly affect children labelled with Asperger’s and Autism.


  • Techniques for stress release and stress overload via 1-8 protocol from the Neuro Organisation technique. This is an intoduction to N.O.T and can lead to full training of N.O.T if desired .
  • Technique to help integrate Tendon Guard reflex to release stress from the body.
  • Techniques for realignment of gait to help coordination.
  • Technique to help cranial fault and realign atlas to take the body out of compensatory state.

Day 2 -Introduction to Energetic Reflexes and Sacred Geometry  

Expansion of the primitive reflexes routine to balance and address the primitive reflexes that are more difficult to shift at a deeper level.


  • An in-depth explanation of sacred geometry and vibrational icons
  • Introduction to Eneregtic Reflexes
  • how to combine the Primitive Reflexe Routine alongside the Neural Organisation protocol.
  • Prerequisites Module 1,2,3,4,5

Cost of Module £355.00

Day 1 – Neural Organisation Technique – Cranial Injury Complex

Prerequisites module 1,2,3,4,5,6


Gravitational security and its importance for a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Correction and exercises for balance
  • Correction of issues with the neck using
  • Technique to strengthen neck muscles related to various reflexes
  • Technique to address labyrinthine and ocular reflexes
  • Technique to realign cranial sutures


In Depth Application of all modalities

All the modules covered will be utilised to integrate  retained primitive reflexes

Revision and consolidation of all techniques (AFP, OHB and SIMPLE exercises) learnt so far

Cost of Module £355.00

Visual System (Eye balancing)

Prerequisites module 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Day 1 – Links between the visual system, vestibular system, and the Primitive Reflexes


The theory of the mechanics required for reading and learning

  • Testing and corrections for eye issues such as tracking, convergence, divergence, accommodation, binocular fusion
  • Role of the sphenoid bone in eye imbalances
  • Using acupoints for the integration of the visual system
  • Correcting and balancing eye muscle, using Attuning to Full Potential
  • SIMPLE Exercises for balancing the eyes

Day 2


This will be a chance to use and consolidate all of all modules learnt to date

Cost of Module £355.00

Day 1 –  Anyone working with children or adults can attend this workshop

Auditory Processing (1 day)


  • Neurological pathways that interfere with processing auditory information including: inability to hear auditory messages, distinguish between similar sounds or words, separate relevant speech from background noise, and the ability to recall and comprehend what was heard.
  • Understanding how auditory processing disorders can affect development of speech, language and communication as well as reading, spelling, learning and behaviour.
  • Research linked to sound therapy and its use to address auditory processing issues.
  • Understanding auditory discrimination, lateral processing, orientation to acoustic stimuli, auditory delay, auditory confusion, auditory stimulus bound effect and hypersensitivity
  • Understanding how primitive reflexes can affect auditory processing
  • Ways of assessing auditory processing
  • Profiling, report writing and treatment protocols


Anyone working with children or adults can attend this workshop

Day 2 –  5 Awakenings to address childhood trauma

The system is based on energy medicine principles that facilitate the release and recovery in both adults and children from the effects of trauma, stress, fear, abuse and bullying

Safe, efficient and easy to use, sequence effective for a myriad of emotional and traumatic conditions with children as young as three years of age
The 5 step process that facilitates:

  • Transmutation and release of any debilitating influences
  • Restoration of self-stature, standing and worth
  • A catalyst for change and moving forward promoting positive choice
  • Progression and balance on all levels recreating a sense of freedom
  • Stability and structure, preserving for the changes

No Prerequisites

Cost of Module £355.00

Module 1

Primitive Reflexes (2 days)

For teachers, therapists, learning support staff, parents, grandparents, and adults working with children.

No Prerequisites


  • Research based evidence to show how retained primitive reflexes affect learning and behaviour and emotions.
  • New paradigm of the cerebellum
  • Links of movement, learning and behaviour
  • Child Centre Method Assessment
  • How to test to see if the reflexes are integrated
  • Exercises to integrate reflexes

Cost of Module £330.00

SIMPLE Program for integrating retained primitive reflexes (2 days)

For teachers, therapists, learning support staff, parents, grandparents, and adults working with children

Prerequisites Module 1


  • Link of the Vestibular system and cerebellum
  • Physical literacy as a precursor to literacy
  • Developmental factors in specific learning difficulties and behaviour.
  • Functions of the vestibular system and cerebellum
  • Postural Reflexes
  • SIMPLE (Sensory Improvement Movement for Learning Enhancement) exercises
  • Link of the reflexes to oculo-motor functioning

Cost of Module £330.00

Module 3

Pre requisites Module 1,2

For therapists or people wanting to train as therapists. If you are a Kinesiologists day 1 is optional.

Day 1Introduction to Child Centre Method and muscle testing.


  • Introduction to muscle testing (theory and practice) which helps to identify compensatory states or stress in the body
  • Introduction to the energy medicine system
  • The role of the brain in learning and how it deals with stress
  • Techniques to for stress release

Day 2 – Introduction to working with the body’s innate system using Attuning to Full Potential 1


Working with muscle testing and the body’s innate system

  • The art of using muscle testing to clear stress from the body using vibrational icons
  • Using muscle testing to self-test and clear stress on the self
  • Techniques for balancing stress in the body

Cost of Module £355.00

Day 1 – Attuning to Full Potential Kinesiology 2

Pre requisites Module 1,2,3

Consolidation of working with the body’s innate system using Attuning to Full Potential. Consolidates and refine the art of muscle testing to access underlying stress. Start to clear old programmes, memories, and stress via muscle testing. Learn to ‘read” the links of the vibrational icons causing the stress and balancing the stress.


  • Using AFP and muscle testing to access stress in the body.
  • Learn how to test where or when the stress the original stress was stored
  • Work with body’s inner intelligence and its own ability to heal and balance itself.
  • Become more confident in testing and addressing the issue or stress.
  • Learning more techniques to help release stress.

Day 2- Ho’oponopono Harmonising Circle

Sitting in the circle allows you to benefit from the powerful amplifying effects of the vortex energy and amplified power of the Ho’oponopono Harmonising Circle (HHC). Communication, combined with being connected to others, in an amplified container, can cause huge shifts and transformations. This one-day workshop provides practical and experiential learning. HHC is an invaluable tool for your personal and professional development.
It is a container that can transform dissonant energy into resonant energy to bring clarity. HHC helps to create shifts, witness, and release stuck emotions, unwind painful emotions and feelings in a safe place. It is about forgiving ourselves and others, being emotional, and honest, speaking from the heart, changing belief systems, manifesting alignment, and becoming congruent to who we are. HHC helps us to be real with people, in a compassionate presence whilst connecting to source/inspiration. It is about erasing data and memories that are holding us back and stopping the memory from replaying the same situation with different people. HHC helps us to go back to zero where all possibilities exist.
In the circle, you set an open-hearted field of possibilities without trying to fix anyone else. You let go of judgments, take responsibility and tune into the amplified harmony created by the container of the circle. HHC helps to connect you to your core by dropping the drama and aligning to your heart. It helps you to understand that you are the point of attraction and live a different story, and to stop feeding your sabotages. You feel a deeper presence, connectedness, and clarity and learn to take notes when your heart speaks. You then take this practice out in the world. By choosing ‘wants’ rather than ‘shoulds’ you create a container to feel the heart and what is really going on and deliberately move out of suffering to happiness. It is about creating alignment with your true self and moving into focused creation; ‘Peace of I’.


  • You learn the theory of Law of attraction and why it does not work all the time.
  • You learn the theory of Ho’oponopono and the simplicity of how it works.
  • You learn ways of connecting to your ‘wants’ (heart) and not your ‘shoulds’ (mind) without guilt and blame.
  • You leave with a simple set of life tools that allow you to start living in an abundant and joyful way.

Ho’oponopono is taught in a circle context where the effect is amplified and most profoundly affects the subconscious where all our issues are stored. In the circle, you will learn how to practice by yourself to help ‘clear’ difficult issues.

No Prerequisites required

Cost of Module £355.00

Day 1 – Using the Child Centre Method Reflex modality to integrate the reflexes

Pre requisites Module 1,2,3,4

This modality is a powerful but simple energetic modality. It uses muscle testing, the body’s own innate healing system, and the energetic frequency and structure of the energy system, to release the underlying stress that allows the reflex to stay active in the body. This modality helps to integrate individual reflexes quickly and effectively. The CCM Reflex Routine is the powerhouse, and the core, of the Child Centre Method and, is unique because it integrates science with energy medicine. Once the session has been completed, usually, only a week of specific exercises are needed to integrate the reflexes and to improve physical literacy. Research into the progress, function and science of energy medicine is being undertaken on a worldwide scale especially following the successes and case studies from the many modalities.


  • Consolidation of muscle testing technique
  • Using muscle testing to access and address the underlying stress in individual reflexes
  • Addressing issues with balance problems
  • Addressing the stress that causes and fight and flight system to remain active

Day 2 – Using the CCM reflex modality to address primitive reflexes


  • Profiling a child using the CCM Assessment
  • Understanding the issues that need to addressed as well as having a baseline to note progress
  • Learning methods of accessing the underlying cause of stress that cause the individual reflexes to be retained. Once this workshop has been completed you will be able to integrate the reflexes more rapidly then via developmental exercises.

Pre requisites Module 1,2,3

Cost of Module £440.00

Day 1 – Introduction to Neural Organisation Technique Kinesiology

Pre requisites Module 1,2,3,4,5

Addressing the body’s fight and flight system using Neural Organisation Technique 1-8. This is a non-invasive hands-on protocol that will take the body out of the fight and flight system and reset the body into a neutral system. The focus will be on the Moro reflex, Tendon Guard reflex and Fear reflex. These reflexes particularly affect children labelled with Asperger’s and Autism.


  • Techniques for stress release and stress overload via 1-8 protocol from the Neuro Organisation technique. This is an intoduction to N.O.T and can lead to full training of N.O.T if desired .
  • Technique to help integrate Tendon Guard reflex to release stress from the body.
  • Techniques for realignment of gait to help coordination.
  • Technique to help cranial fault and realign atlas to take the body out of compensatory state.

Pre requisites ability to muscle test.

Day 2 – Introduction to Energetic Reflexes and Sacred Geometry  

Expansion of the primitive reflexes routine to balance and address the primitive reflexes that are more difficult to shift at a deeper level.


  • An in-depth explanation of sacred geometry and vibrational icons
  • Introduction to Eneregtic Reflexes
  • how to combine the Primitive Reflexe Routine alongside the Neural Organisation protocol.

Prerequisites Module 1,2,3,4,5

Cost of Module £355.00

Day 1 – Neural Organisation Technique – Cranial Injury Complex

Pre requisites Module 1,2,3,4,5.6


Gravitational security and its importance for a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Correction and exercises for balance
  • Correction of issues with the neck using
  • Technique to strengthen neck muscles related to various reflexes
  • Technique to address labyrinthine and ocular reflexes
  • Technique to realign cranial sutures


In Depth Application of all modalities

All the modules covered will be utilised to integrate  retained primitive reflexes

Revision and consolidation of all techniques (AFP, OHB and SIMPLE exercises) learnt so far

Cost of Module £355.00

Visual System (Eye balancing)

Pre requisites Module 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Day 1 – Links between visual system, vestibular system, and the Primitive Reflexes


The theory of the mechanics required for reading and learning

  • Testing and corrections for eye issues such as tracking, convergence, divergence, accommodation, binocular fusion
  • Role of the sphenoid bone in eye imbalances
  • Using acupoints for the integration of the visual system
  • Correcting and balancing eye muscle, using Attuning to Full Potential
  • SIMPLE Exercises for balancing the eyes

Day 2


This will be a chance to use and consolidate all of all modules learnt to date

Cost of Module £355.00

Day 1 –  Anyone working with children or adults can attend this workshop

Auditory Processing (1 day)


  • Neurological pathways that interfere with processing auditory information including: inability to hear auditory messages, distinguish between similar sounds or words, separate relevant speech from background noise, and the ability to recall and comprehend what was heard.
  • Understanding how auditory processing disorders can affect development of speech, language and communication as well as reading, spelling, learning and behaviour.
  • Research linked to sound therapy and its use to address auditory processing issues.
  • Understanding auditory discrimination, lateral processing, orientation to acoustic stimuli, auditory delay, auditory confusion, auditory stimulus bound effect and hypersensitivity
  • Understanding how primitive reflexes can affect auditory processing
  • Ways of assessing auditory processing
  • Profiling, report writing and treatment protocols


Anyone working with children or adults can attend this workshop

Day 2 –  5 Awakenings to address childhood trauma

The system is based on energy medicine principles that facilitate the release and recovery in both adults and children from the effects of trauma, stress, fear, abuse and bullying

Safe, efficient and easy to use, sequence effective for a myriad of emotional and traumatic conditions with children as young as three years of age
The 5 step process that facilitates:

  • Transmutation and release of any debilitating influences
  • Restoration of self-stature, standing and worth
  • A catalyst for change and moving forward promoting positive choice
  • Progression and balance on all levels recreating a sense of freedom
  • Stability and structure, preserving for the changes

No Prerequisites

Cost of Module £355.00

 Module 10 – Nutrition and Clinical Practice


This workshop will focus on nutrition for children to achieve and maximise their full potential.

“Lack of essential nutrients during a child’s early development can stunt mental achievement over a lifetime.”

(Scientific American, February 1996)

To function at an optimum level, the brain needs constant and adequate supplies of oxygen, water,  and appropriate nutrients, and care must be taken to avoid or restrict any potentially neurotoxic foods. To achieve this, the module will focus on nutrition which can affect learning and behaviour to fulfil their potential and is particularly important for those with attention or arousal issues. In addition, the outcome, of “The Headfield Project”, research on movement and food, in a school in West Yorkshire, will be discussed.

    We will also look at specific clinical practices and developing a good client base.

      Cost of Module £180.00

      Optional Module  -Touch for Health Kinesiology
      The Touch for Health (TFH) recognises that a body is made up of physical, emotional, chemical elements and that any interruption in these will cause disharmony. Kinesiology uses muscle testing to test and restore these imbalances to enable the body to function more effectively as well as restore health. Touch for Health Level 1 course is the foundation for the higher Touch for Health levels.


      • Understand the concept of energy flow in the meridians according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
      • Gain better sensory awareness, posture and coordination
      • Auricular exercise
      • Emotional Stress release technique
      • Simple pain techniques
      • Accurate indicator muscle testing
      • Be able to effectively and accurately muscle test an individual
      • Evaluate energy imbalances on the 14 major Chinese acupuncture meridians
      • Balance the energy of an individual using a range of techniques
      • Combine an individual goal with a 14 muscle balance sequence

      Cost of Module £280.00

      Assessment of students

      1 Profile twenty case studies to show assessment procedures, recommendations, treatment protocols and evidence of progress.

      2. One video evidence to show an assessment being carried out.

      3. Reflective diary and summary of all the books read from the reading list.

      4. Knowledge of exercises for different reflexes and how lack of integration of certain reflexes may show in the behaviour of the child both in and out of the classroom situation.

      5. Completion of workbooks for each module.

      6. Assessment of all the simple sequences or video evidence.

      7. One update day a year.

      Recommended reading.

      Energetic Kinesiology – Principles and Practice. Krebs C & T. O’Neill McGowan (2014)  Handspring Publishing Limited.

      The Well-Balanced Child: Movement and Early Learning Sally Goddard (2004).

      Reflexes, Learning and Behavior, A Non-Invasive Approach to Solving Learning and Behavior Problems, by Sally Goddard, Fern Ridge Press, 2002.

      Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning: The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme Sally Goddard Blythe (2012).

      Family Constellations Revealed: Hellinger’s Family and Other Constellations Revealed: Volume 1 (The Systemic View) Indra Thorsten Preiss.

      Ilhinoor: Awakening The Divine Human Kiara Windrider.

      The books in bold are mandatory whilst those in normal print are recommendations.